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There are more opportunities than ever before for young people to participate in disability sport and adapted physical education. For example, there are more than 3.7 million athletes worldwide aligned to the Special Olympics organisation, with national associations active in more than 200 countries worldwide. Despite this rapid growth, all too often coaches and teachers lack adequate knowledge of the particular challenges faced by people with intellectual and learning disabilities. The principle aim of this book is to improve the understanding and professional skills of coaches, teachers, practitioners and researchers, to promote awareness of successful programmes addressing the needs of the ID/LD community, and to challenge the prevailing myths and stereotypes surrounding their abilities. With contributions from leading researchers and practitioners around the world, this book is the first to explore in depth the topic of sport and intellectual disability. Including both theoretical discussion and empirical case-studies, the book covers the full range of contemporary issues and themes, including training and coaching, family support, perceptions of disability, athlete motivation, positive sport experiences, motor development programmes, and social and cultural aspects of disability. Sport and Intellectual Disability is important reading for any student, researcher, coach, teacher, manager or policy maker with an interest in disability sport, physical education, coaching, or mainstream disability studies., There are more opportunities than ever before for young people with disabilities to participate in sport and adapted physical education. For example, there are more than 3.7 million athletes worldwide aligned to the Special Olympics organisation, with national associations active in more than 200 countries worldwide. Despite this rapid growth, all too often coaches and teachers lack adequate knowledge of the particular challenges faced by people with intellectual disabilities. The principal aim of this book is to improve the understanding and professional skills of coaches, teachers, practitioners and researchers, to promote awareness of successful programmes addressing the needs of such young people, and to challenge the prevailing myths and stereotypes surrounding their abilities. With contributions from leading researchers and practitioners around the world, this book is the first to explore in depth the topic of sport and intellectual disability from a coaching perspective. Including both theoretical discussion and empirical case-studies, the book covers a full range of contemporary issues and themes, including training and coaching, family support, perceptions of disability, athlete motivation, positive sport experiences, motor development programmes, and social and cultural aspects of disability. Sport Coaching and Intellectual Disability is important reading for any student, researcher, coach, teacher, manager or policy maker with an interest in disability sport, physical education, coaching, or mainstream disability studies."

Book Sport, Coaching and Intellectual Disability (2014, Hardcover) by FB2, DJV

This proves to be a terrible mistake and we get to see just what makes the Black Airs so special: enormous power and even stronger friendship.They were all delivered by one man.To initiates, it is something else entirely: a beautiful addiction, a morally dangerous pastime, a way of life.A small, dark classic." Publishers Weekly (starred review) "One of the best graphic novels I''ve read this year." -- USA Today''s PopCandy "One of the most thought-provoking comics released in a long time." -- "Carefully researched and sourced with ample back matter, Backderf's tragic chronicle of what shouldn't have been is a real butt-kicker for educators and youth counselors as well as peers of other potential Dahmers.It is a horrifying read, yes, not so much for what it reveals about the sad early (and inevitably terrible) life of Jeffrey Dahmer, but because of what it reveals about the bland emotional landscape of Middle America, in this vision a petri dish for psychoses in many degrees and forms.'Backderf''s odd stylization, with figures that look like organic robots, is a perfect vehicle for this conception.Drawing on psychology, sociology, counselling, psychotherapy and narrative theory, and on narrative research in sports as diverse as golf, track and field athletics, judo and hockey, they explore the ways in which the culture of sport interacts with the mental health, development, identity and life trajectories of elite and professional sports people in highly pressurised and sometimes unhealthy environments.The book's unique approach focuses on the promotion of sustainable athletic development, in which training is not limited to strength, flexibility, or cardiovascular domains, but also focuses on the fundamentals of agility, balance, and coordination as a foundation for enhanced movement literacy., Based on the successful Rehabilitation of the Spine, Second Edition , this practical handbook delivers clear, how-to-do-it information plus an array of sport-specific guidelines to help keep today's athletes at peak performance.Over the past few decades, an evolution in how we go about training horses has encouraged horse owners to spend more time handling their horse on the ground in order to achieve good behavior, mutual trust, and a healthy partnershipbefore they ever think about getting in the saddle.Backderf is quite skilled in using comics to tell this tale of a truly weird and sinister 1970s adolescent world."-R.Usually this occurs without a leash, and without other devices designed to "persuade" him to participate.Should contactsports be modified to protect the health of athletes?What does it eat?Forrest follows Eaton's journey from local beat cop to FIFA's security chief for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.A companion second volume complements this one with studies on the social and economic aspects of Greek sport, the role of Greek sport in the Roman era, and forms, functions and venues of Roman spectacles.